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Twenty-Something Girls vs. Thirty-Something Women

03 august 2023 | Design

Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back.

This is an example of an image caption

Otherwise, how do you bounce back when reality batters your belief system and love does not, as promised, conquer all? Is hope a drug we need to go off of, or is it keeping us alive?


“When you’re young, your whole life is about the pursuit of fun. Then, you grow up and learn to be cautious. You could break a bone or a heart. You look before you leap and sometimes you don’t leap at all because there’s not always someone there to catch you. And in life, there’s no safety net. When did it stop being fun and start being scary?”

I got to thinking about fate. That crazy concept that we’re not really responsible for the course our lives take. That it’s all predestined, written in the stars.

Subheading H3

This is a standard paragraph created using the WordPress editor. It has a strong tag, an em tag, and a strikethrough. You may be interested in reading this article all about blogging within WordPress which gives us a nice excuse to test a link. Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding exactly what we want, and just see what happens.

Heading 4 (h4)

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Heading 5 (H5)
Below is an example of an ordered (numbered) list. Java chicory, black doppio and roast cream mocha turkish strong.

  1. Ordered list item one
  2. Ordered list item two
  3. Ordered list item three
  4. Ordered list item four

Next is an example of an unordered list, also referred to as a bulleted list.

  • Unordered list item one
  • Unordered list item two
  • Unordered list item three
  • Unordered list item four

That’s the thing about needs. Sometimes when you get them met, you don’t need them anymore.
Heading 6 (H6)
Maybe our mistakes are what make our fate. Without them, what would shape our lives? Perhaps if we never veered off course we wouldn’t fall in love, or have babies, or be who we are. After all, seasons change. So do cities. People come into your life and people go. But it’s comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart…

Including a small author bio at the end of your posts can be helpful to visitors if their first visit to your website is through a blog post. Be sure to include a few relevant keywords for search engine optimization.

Carrie Bradshaw



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